Thursday, September 22, 2016


this is powerful.-authorAAA

I can't imagine where you get your ideas, but they're something to admire for sure.-abstractempo


Impactful; heavy on the heart, light in the mind.-abstractempo


Your poems are intriguing and enigmatic. Do yo write them in your tongue and them translate them, or do you write them in English? They are quite enigmatic and give you thought.-rrodriguez

Rambling Roses



You are a Johann Sebastian Bach of poetry. Complicated, forcing one to slow down and listen to the words a couple times in concentration to hear the music hidden inside. To hear through "the complication" to the simple melody within. Thank you for slowing us down...-B.Joel

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Aubrurn Dawn

When you witness death at close quarters it has a profound affect on the rest of your life, as it is in your case, intuitive sad write.-Dolly'sPoems

What a saga, great piece. The simplicity And flow sparkle.-Senatorucheo

Circle Of Glory

great write, liked.-LAD1066

Love 'the shadow was a terrorist on the terrace' as always a deep and beautifully crafted write.- Helenmatherrogers

A Handful Of Victories

A sorrowful yet compelling read.-Briz

Death from war certainly leaves scars on us forever, especially when experienced first hand. Afterwards it seems so meaningless. Love the second verse. Dolly'sPoems

Dying Beautifully

"The space between the memories will shrink and we will destroy the ugly calendar"
...fantastic ending, a parting shot at time, how we waste time.-Frank F Highly

Wow Wow Wow...excellent write, by far my favourite read of the day. I loved the use of words and their meaning. Deep and thought provoking. well done.- Frank F Highly
A very interestingly described write.-Jazmine Reid

Easy To Forget

We are so many layers too deep for our own understanding, so we only see a thin layer, we forever search, this in itself can be overwhelming, and has driven some to madness. So we are better off enjoying this layer of life, although sometimes fraught with pain. Enjoyed reading your lovely poem.- Monica

Tears Were Never Sweet

I concur with the previous comment tears were never sweet, great line, great write buddy!- grant

Tears are never sweet, sadness flows. There can be tears of joy. Beautiful.- Bjs

Lake Scenes

I like it, a lovely scene constructed in verse!- grant

Brilliant poem, the dragonfly, Lake Huron in

Unfog The Sky

An example of your abiding talent here my friend - one of your gifts of excellent imagery lights up the verse - a poet's poem which I wish to read again and again - thank you for sharing it Satish my friend.- Fay Slimm

Friday, September 16, 2016


An emotional piece. I particularly liked the first stanza where the wind writes and the sun wipes away.Might I just suggest that nowhere is usually written as one word. -Milly Hayward


nice...nature is not so harmoniums in the hands of modern men now as your verse is....
really enjoyable....a spontaneous flow of deep thinking of the polluted earth...
a good sharing.-B.m. Biswas


Bliss of looking back
at unreached peaks of pain.
Great imagery. Thanks for sharing.-Ratnakar Mandlik

A Black Speech

The beginning of this poem, highlights our inability to opt for renunciation..Thank you for sharing Satish Vermanji..-V S

Full Stop

Excellent and involving, as it were. I wouldn't have used the last line at all. Besides, isn't 'returning back' a tautology.-Supratik Sen, Kolkata

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Invoking the sun, you stay in shadows,
without qualms to hear
the swish of swords.
Beautiful lines. Thanks for the sharing.
10 for the nice poem.-Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Whirling Dervish

once upon a time i was there; the evening explained and poetically written by a true human, satish vermaji.. thank you sir... Not any more, I visit such a horrible place of loneliness! ! !-V S

To Know What We Do Not Know

To know what we do not know, for now at least,
we must first learn what we're now ignorant of
then we'll be able to say with convincing words
whatever we know and perhaps be understood.-George Krokos

In anguish I search the answers
to deepest mysteries.
Profound introspective write. Thanks for sharing.10 points.-Ratnakar Mandlik

Friday, September 9, 2016

Never Wanting

Black versus black will
not brighten the screen. One third of
generation had the criminal record.

What an observation! I like your style and presentation....10-Sriranji Aratisankar


The pursuit of location
where the eclipse descends like a dot
on truth.

I am going to touch
the surreal constellation
again in your wet eyes.

Good expression of feelings...thanks for sharing...10...-Sriranji Aratisankar

A beautifully conceived poem with deep meaning. Thanks for sharing.-Ratnakar Mandlik

Never Again

The moon drenched lake
wails for the boat not to come.
Beautiful and realistic conceptualization of feelings in the timeless dawn. Thanks for sharing.-Ratnakar Mandlik


You are a very unique writer and deep...This one I like very much... -Pharaoh33

Wonderful write.-Tony36


whoa this is intense as hell! No remorse for wrongs wrought?-

A great verb - morph