Wednesday, September 30, 2020

In Hurling Light

Words sans meaningful expressions are worthless. Lovely presentation of ideas in the verse Satish ji!-
Giti Tyagi
, Karnal

Monday, September 28, 2020

A Bird Song

An extraordinary write!
Thank you for sharing.-Laura


It' perhaps the first time I have read a longer poem of yours Satish ji! Its simply superb!!!
I never miss reading your poems which are full of beauty and remarkable sensitivity!
But I always wonder why you never respond to my responses.
I loved your poem as much as I enjoy reading your other poems.
And I completely agree with you that no one can write as good as you can...
you cannot
write like me... like me.-Giti Tyagi, Karnal

Friday, September 25, 2020

Repeating History

End is the same for all in Death in this world to transport to other world in spirit! So, history of all has to repeat itself as designed by Nature! Knowing this let us be ready for the peaceful journey of spirit sure! -T A Ramesh

The Great Divide

Enveiled behind the masks lie the unhappy sad faces at times. We may enmask our sadness with smiles overtly but the eyes cannot hide the emotions.
Simply loved the lines...
Cut the masks
and you will find a river of sorrow
in the unblinking eyes

Thanks for sharing Satish ji! -Giti Tyagi, karnal

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Death Of An Angel

Wow! Such a refined write, yet effortlessly simple to connect with, a beautifully excavated dedication.-L. B. Mek

in prosaic

A well written and confronting poem.. an original poet-Dale Costello, Australia

An Unasked Eulogy

Another great poem. Thank you.-Trenz Pruca

Monday, September 21, 2020

Weird Enigma

Beautiful lines..
I will take hold of the night.
There was no referral
of lying truth.

Loved the poem Satish ji!-Giti Tyagi, Karnal

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Fading Sheen

The first two lines I just love. There's something about the way you worded them, almost tenderly.-Skyfire

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Stunning! Absolutely superb poem Satish ji!
Loved these lines..
The sand fills your
pockets. You start
licking the salt
jettisoned by violent waves.
Thanks for sharing!-Giti Tyagi, Karnal

Friday, September 18, 2020

Thoughts In Wind

"You wanted to givea name to
"You wanted to give
a name to my
unborn poem."

That is ageless, quotable material, in and of itself. But yet, to limit the value of the poem to that triplet of lines would be an remarkable undertaking of injustice towards the pen. :) This is, quite simply, special in a most lasting sense. The muse must be, as well.-lyrycsyntyme

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sonorous Tones

What lovely lines...
The fake blooms. I will
never see the death
of a rose petal

Simply beautiful Satish ji! -Giti Tyagi, Karnal, India

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Old Instincts

Love it.-Trenz Pruca

When Horizon Meets The Moon

I like the variety of phrases
I like the variety of phrases by which the poem proceeds to its conclusion; they are fresh, zesty, and---even one or two of them---highly unusual (in my opinion, at least). I applaud the beauty of this poem.-Starward

Friday, September 11, 2020

Looking Around

reads like an elongated haiku, or a budding renga (it will make a good start for a fusion poem),
intuitive and free: like the nature it depicts-L. B. Mek

You paint such a vivid picture & add a calming atmosphere to a short & most enjoyable piece.-Unsub

I liked it.-Trenz Pruca

Striving Hard

Very interesting lines Satish ji...
invoke the toddler god
who would kill king cobra
Thanks for sharing! -Giti Tyagi, Karnal, India

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

One Moonless Night

wonderful image of the solitude that invades us at times, in those bleak hours of a troublesome night.-L. B. Mek

When The Smoke Rises

I see myself in parts of this poem.
"As the smoke rises- she says goodbye to the naive girl she used to be. Again- she rises" .
Good write.-Laconic Meraki 

What Was Not Said

Always love to read your beautiful poems Satish ji!
Especially loved these lines...
Golden keys in a ring,
hang down from your neck.
I am imprisoned again.-Giti Tyagi, Karnal

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Some Royality?


Falling Debris

Splendid... beautifuly penned sir. :)-SHWETA VASHISHT, shahdara

Heart touching verse and beautifully penned lines...
Hanged from the roof
to understand the pangs of poverty.
Lovely poem Satish ji!-Giti Tyagi, Karnal

wonderfil poem sir.-Ramakant Puranik, Bangalore

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


I absolutely loved your work ..the questions you have raised and the thoughts you have provoked .We do loose our ways to find people sometimes , we do make bad choices even if we know we are making them and we do dissappear in the world some people create with a simple smile .
love-Ankita Dwivedi