Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

You Know How To Bleed

'It is not possible to remain
human. Primitiveness rules. Rivers
of heart have started drying up.'
(but luckily, those foolish few - like me
are still naïve enough, to dream
our fallible dreams, of humility's: Unity)
thank you for sharing,
I read and learn, Guru!-L. B. Mek

You will not Smell Poison

If you are referring to one of the Covid-19 symptoms in your title.. how interesting a thing to note!- Gerard Haughey, USA

Friday, September 24, 2021


I too, have met that ghost
and a part of me
survived, to warn others
about that, which asks
for you to invest: everything
for a chance, of accumulating
a random, Something
from Fate's reward
of far-too-often, Nothing..
to warn them, Awake
I've plastered my fingertips, numb
and ink my words, scarlet
so as they resonate...-L. B. Mek

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

God, What is Your Real Name?

'Suffering' be thy name
for that is the God
that visits us, the most...
'Life is all the sweeter for the suffering', some say
while I, Beg:
let me sample Life without it, and I promise
you'll never find me lamenting, for the boredom of my peaceful existence...!-L. B. Mek

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

My Precious Jewel

millenniums later, and it still
clings to all that revolves
on our individualised interpretations, of Sappho's: Love...
intriguing as always
thank you, Guru-L. B. Mek

Monday, September 20, 2021

Where was My Pain, My Pain

Beautiful!! 🦋🙏🏻🌹 I love your writing, and "Wuthering Heights" is one of my favorite novels!!-mdelleviolette

All The Questions

This is beautifully worded and structured.-SirEdwinSantosIII

Unmasked Tulips

Being submissive to someone is depicted in this poem. And the search for love continues. A good composition, Satish jee...-Padma

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Are You in Frenzy?

A lovely poem that talks about the realization of a person who is loved and loves, Satish Verma jee.-Padma

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Some Questions No Answers

'You were walking under the
dim light of fireflies to burn the sky.'
such vivid imagery, utilised to its most potent capacity..
another great 'searching' poem to add to your vast collection, thanks for choosing to share, Guru!-L. B. Mek

Litany for None

Thorns are better than words! A nice concept and well-expressed thoughts.-Padma

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Two Small Eyes

To our dismay, “the neighbourhood of snakes” will always be there.-Laura

much better than that 'Tyger, tyger' poem
the world loves endlessly
in my humble, although controversial opinion lol
as-ever, I read and learn: Guru!
(a hedgehog
for a fugitive God
amongst the snakes, swarming
this tiger poetry, we
painstakingly, rhyme scarlet
with every syllable
we, shamefully hide in the white
of our write's'...)-L. B. Mek

Mr Satish Verma with all do respect, the misplaced question mark there is so unsettling:
"The monarch lands on
my book to read the verse?
meant for the moon."
It doesn't belong, for it is absolutely meaningless to put a question mark in the middle of the sentence, where the sentence is not even finished!!
So it must be a mistake. In the past few years, few times, I mentioned these ocasions to you via comments for you have sometimes these missplaced question-marks. But you never corrected them. So, it shows that you only throwing the poems there, never coming back to them. But as an audience (a good one) I need to know how many more unwanted mistakes you leave there on your poems without never bothering to change. This, by itself worries me because your works are already very abstract and sophisticated, so, it is impossible for a reader to see all those propeble mistakes clearly, like the question marks. This is distancing you from the reader, for readers must somehow matter, otherwise why do we even bother to post??
Don't get me wrong I love your silence and respect it, but nothing in extreme could be healthy. The universe is proportioned. This is a philosophical fact my friend.
Anyway I am a fan. A fan about to resign.-ddavidd

Monday, September 13, 2021


Satish Verma,
Yes indeed…
Earth does have
‘many enemies waiting’
to pounce and inflict pain upon the complacent and vulnerable.-Laura

No Poison Between Us

I will sever off my
thumb one day I will not write
a ballad for you. I am not a slave of words.
Beautiful lines. Asking someone to see and feel through your eyes is something sensible and great, Satish jee. I loved the concluding stanza very much.-Padma

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I See In Dark

Great stuff, still can’t figure out what you mean. Are you a guru? You’ll never respond. Cool-ass dude!-
Johnny FN Lawless

I agree with the other comment.-Saxon Crow

'The innocence will not
break. Moral sense will not rise. I want
to bring the leopards of love.'
that solitude of self love, an appreciation of self worth, to encompass your island of enlightenment, knowing
not a lot of others, will invest the time to reach your level of awareness, so silence is your chosen merciful response...
as always, I read and learn, thank you: Guru!
(even if by example alone, you lead us thirsty fish, to glean that pool of water - in that abundant dessert of modernity's: wilful ignorance)-L. B. Mek

What Was to Come?

Who will be my escort to
stitch the shadows of broken dreams?
I need to know the power of your love.
These are the lines that sum up the whole poem and keywords. 'I need to know the power of your love.' Good write, Sir.-Padma, Hyderabad

None can predict the end and none can be escorted that moment. Whatever your quality and longevity of life on earth, anicipating the end is truly scary and raises many an eyebrow. short and sweet verses Ji.thanks for sharing.-Dr John Celes, Coimbatore

Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Another Tale

The behaviour and change in mind depend on a person's attitude. It is well depicted in this poem, Satish Verma jee.-Padma

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Wow. “I need so many legs to reach you.” I identify with that line. Thank you, Satish!-Jayne Miller

Jayne,If I am not wrong,couple of years back,,we used to share a site for a very long tine.-Satish Verma

Yes! I didn’t forget about you or any of my writing friends. I’ve just been busy surviving! I have truly missed everyone!-Jayne Miller

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


I've read an alarming amount of nihilistic write's this morning
glorifying life's ending? and your poetry
is the answer I wish they could all comprehend
to see how futile it is, to waste life
assuming nothingness is better, when every road we turn
and each step, we climb
shows us greener fields, further from reach and a lilting path
to a sheer drop, to something even more horrific
than our laments, keeping us awake all night...!
'how to reach out and help, anyone
when life is devalued, with each propaganda: warped breath
and, our very own safety cocoon society
convinces us, is all: that's left of future's: hope...?'-L. B. Mek

Half - Promises

The old memory which is useless has to be slipped, Sir! I loved your comparison of this with a one rupee note. Lovely.-Padma

Sunday, September 5, 2021

A Virgin Grieves

drink your sacred herb
and breathe easy, knowing
all is: as all can be
however sobering, a depiction
that may be, of our reality...
Thank you! Guru-L. B. Mek

Dimpled Pains

Hoping for the best and leading life is the best part. A lovely poem, Satish jee.-Padma

Friday, September 3, 2021

By Kisses

Really love the last verse,
Really love the last verse, the engraving on leaves is beautiful. Much enjoyed this poem. sue.-sweetwater

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Little Was Big

A lovely verse with meaningful messages, Satish jee..-Padma, Hyderabad

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Fabulous Dream

'I am sad. This world
is too much. I can not read
the unreadable. Poems will kill.

The believers die under
a canopy. After the war, the religions
fail to save humanity.'
if our civilisation ever, learns
to appreciate genius like yours
whilst, you still draw breath..
we'll have evolved, enough
to warrant our hope
for survival and empathetically humane: growth...
I read and learn: Guru!
thank you-L. B. Mek