Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Two Small Eyes

To our dismay, “the neighbourhood of snakes” will always be there.-Laura

much better than that 'Tyger, tyger' poem
the world loves endlessly
in my humble, although controversial opinion lol
as-ever, I read and learn: Guru!
(a hedgehog
for a fugitive God
amongst the snakes, swarming
this tiger poetry, we
painstakingly, rhyme scarlet
with every syllable
we, shamefully hide in the white
of our write's'...)-L. B. Mek

Mr Satish Verma with all do respect, the misplaced question mark there is so unsettling:
"The monarch lands on
my book to read the verse?
meant for the moon."
It doesn't belong, for it is absolutely meaningless to put a question mark in the middle of the sentence, where the sentence is not even finished!!
So it must be a mistake. In the past few years, few times, I mentioned these ocasions to you via comments for you have sometimes these missplaced question-marks. But you never corrected them. So, it shows that you only throwing the poems there, never coming back to them. But as an audience (a good one) I need to know how many more unwanted mistakes you leave there on your poems without never bothering to change. This, by itself worries me because your works are already very abstract and sophisticated, so, it is impossible for a reader to see all those propeble mistakes clearly, like the question marks. This is distancing you from the reader, for readers must somehow matter, otherwise why do we even bother to post??
Don't get me wrong I love your silence and respect it, but nothing in extreme could be healthy. The universe is proportioned. This is a philosophical fact my friend.
Anyway I am a fan. A fan about to resign.-ddavidd

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