Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Asking For Validation

Your works are a consistently delightful challenge to read and reread.-Miracle Beyond Me

Needs no validation!-Sukanya Sinha Roy

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Your Generosity

Great. Easy poem to revisit to distill all the imagery and meaning.-Miracle Beyond Me

Three Vistas

looked black and white. gave me a rainy twilight feeling.
Power to you my friend .Keep writing.-Vin

Blue Sunstroke

I can`t judge this poem as good or bad because I got lost in it. I got the feeling that the language says much that stops on the side of the poet for this poet is the creator of the piece.
There is so much packed in each stanza that I do not have the mind to decipher.-Luis Estable

" In sleep walking
you discover the blind
walls.All blood stained skulls
start rolling" .
What a conceptualization under great duress? 10 points.-Ratnakar Mandlik

Nostalgic Return

Thanks for the interesting and insightful verse. TFS.-Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Reading Arthur Rimbaud

You are such a good writer
These are somewhat densely written in a way that I can't quite put my finger on the idea being portrayed, but I sense the spirit of it. It reminds me of a breakup, and a revelation of a deep love all at once.-lizardking

Touching Bottom

Fantastic! A poetic take on climate change!-Sukanya Sinha Roy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Cobra Kiss

"you would sleep in moonlight alone" so lonely and wide-open!-soak

Awesome!-Sukanya Sinha Roy

Changing Name

A beautiful poem is astutely delineated. Thanks for sharing.-Kumarmani Mahakul

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Excellent use of language. Fascinating imagery.-Lora Lee

Want To Think?

Lovely!-Padmavathi, Khammam

Beautiful verse Satish ji!-Giti Tyagi, Patiala

A fine poem enlisting the possibilities... TFS -Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Saturday, July 20, 2019

End Of Beginning

Really interesting to see the sweetness of poetry still blooming amidst the carnage!
Great write!-Sukanya Sinha Roy


A beautiful poem with exquisite imaginings.-Jane Campion

Friday, July 19, 2019

This Myth Of Life

One Pyrexia

I got that whole laughter with tears things down...-Morningglory


Crisp nouns would
take revenge on the
unuttered words. The sacred
ism was no more valid. - absolutely true. TFS. - Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Thursday, July 18, 2019


The moon does not care for the painters eye, it will flex with or without poets or killers.
Life drifts on, best to float with it.
Another thoughtful and meditative work.-Kevin Patrick

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sunday, July 14, 2019


a poem filled with feeling and unexpected at that...
they do indeed and oft they scream for more.......... enjoyed beyond the last full stop...-Neville

Friday, July 12, 2019

Pardon My Darkness

I like this piece a lot, well done.-HadesRising 

Times Are Changing

I totally agree with Bob, I wanted to dig deeper into the poem but I couldn't grasp everything well. Some questions marks seemed placed by you, others out of place. Some gave the impression that you were making rhetorical questions, trying to to emphasize a statement.

It sounds clearer if you also let go of the comma after dead. The flow in my opinion sounds much better. I see you have beautiful statements and some great descriptions, I'm just not being able to make connections between your verses. It might be my fault, and it might be that the poem needs some reorganization of ideas. I will come back and read it again!-Rania Moallem

These question marks look out of place. Must be the glitch. Whenever someone pastes the poems ( in opposed to typing it perhaps) most likely, in P&Q, the pop-ups just appear all over the places.
Here makes it annoying to imagine, what if the writer him/herself put them there, and why??-BOB GALLO

In Sadness

a beautiful write!
My poems remain explorations of the subconscious erotic
If I where a film maker or a novelist you would see me telling a story; not judge me for it although I admit to my paraphilias
Some of these poems are lunar anamorphic streams of cons.-zebrablack

When The Rains Stop

Beautiful imagery portraying the havoc or ruins after a devastation. TFS. -Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Thursday, July 11, 2019

When A God Bleeds

Not sure why I haven't seen a comment so far. These works are great!-Unobtrusive Sun

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


" behind the veil
the moon will heal the
acid burns"
A fantastic conceptualization. Thanks for sharing.10 points.-Ratnakar Mandlik

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

No Dark Crime

" Ah, the scars don't
go time don't heal
the wounds of earth" .
Agonizing remembrances through an introspective soliloquy. Thanks for sharing.10 points.-Ratnakar Mandlik

Questions Won't End

Beautiful scenery created Satish.-Godawan

Poetically immaculate imagery—incredible, Satsih.-S Olson


Splendorous!-Sukanya Sinha Roy

Seeking Carefully

I have to be honest, Satish (and i may have said this before) I do not always even pretend to quite understand your poetry but it is always a pleasure to read and hypnotic.

All the best.-Ben Pickard

Monday, July 8, 2019

Way Back


There is nothing prosaic about this piece. I quite enjoyed it. The staccato lines were little magic carpets, with the spaces in between prompting our undivided attention. Nice to meet you, Satish!-Kelly Scheppers 

In Dustbath

Simply beautiful ! Loved the verse Satish ji! -Giti Tyagi, Patiala

Sunday, July 7, 2019


A beautiful, well written poem...yet sad.-MissSharon

Beautifully written and sad poem. Hugs, -MARYT.LIVE

a lovely poem.- just_little_me

Saturday, July 6, 2019

No Contempt

Contemptuousness has no place for the patient.-Johnny Lawless


Lovely words Satish ji!-Giti Tyagi, Patiala

Charming verse! TFS. -Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Friday, July 5, 2019

Questioning You

The first stanza encloses what seems to me a profound poetic thought that I am not competent enough to get in full.
The poem is full of such lines that one has to be very careful what kind of reading one gives to this poem.
Thanks for you good effort! -Luis Estable

Being In God

A clear sense of non-conformism in this subtle write; of both god and science! Great work!-Sukanya Sinha Roy

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Little Gods

I Think
of donald trump.-allets

Donald Trump???
Why must you politicize such a wonderful poem? -Stephen

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Scissor Hold

I had written a proper review of this write, and the sands of the internet just swept it
The rigged notes on paper speak of mendacity.
Between the primates, man
was becoming the beast.
The stone, sculptor and ghost are one.
But essentially what I wanted to say was thank you for the reminder of who we are. It seems ridiculous to think that we consider ourselves to be the most advanced of all the species on the planet.
Keep those reminders coming, Satish. We may not think we need them, but we do.-adichie