Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Massive Glory

Artificial love makes two ends meet! This line tells a lot of things about love and life. A nice way of expressing, Sir...-Setaluri Padmavathi

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Mythical Thoughts

I doubt you ever read my scribbles
but for some crazy reason, your words below
elucidate the inspiration for the feeble effort, I posted today:
'Love stings.
And fog covers, the aura
of falling leaves― green
yellow and red. I survive
the quake.

A tiff burns the fingers.
I will not hold the pen.
The blank paper shivers.
Who will write the
wet poem?'
(thank you! Guru)-L. B. Mek

Friday, August 27, 2021

Life Has Become A Constant

Wishes and emotions were expressed well...Good poem, Satish jee.-Padma

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Very straightforward way of saying things will satisfy us sometimes. A good write.-Padma

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Soldiers In Line

they're swimming in their shared tears of regret, dear Poet
one regretting it foolishness, in blind belief
the other, its foolish capitulation in the face
of all-things: Greed!
thank you, for sharing your profound wisdom: Guru-L. B. Mek

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Your slanted brown lives
always reflect a broken world, where
words wander to find the page of heart.
These lines are the main points that make someone realize what love really is. A lovely verse, Satish jee.-Padma

Friday, August 20, 2021

What A Cut


Ready to be free…
Ready to be me…
Ready to be thee.-Laura

what a worthy dedication
to one of my all-time favourite poets,
I read and learn, Guru
thank you!-L. B. Mek

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Is it Togetherness?

Nobody can have the freedom to create love or emotions for others. Absence is common when thoughts are deviating. A good one, Sir!-Padma

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

A Cup of Hemlock

imagine, what we could achieve
if we utilised half the energy we wasted
hating and belittling, those we oppose
for simply having a different perspective
that literally, has no impact on our own lives?
How absurd, when you realise
barely 10 to 20 percent of Earth is inhabited
and we're all head down busily, elbowing a path
through societies 'narrow minded' settlements...
modernity's narrow minded self observed, ignorance
another generation of mind warped, submissive sheep's...-L. B. Mek

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Why This Madness

Life continues either it is darkness or a bright day, Satish jee. A lovely verse.-Padma

My Baby Steps

A thought-provoking poem, Satish jee.
My love was beyond the
pain of stones submerged in the
salt lake. Nightmares visit the eyes at night.
I loved these lines which reveal much pain. Good expression.-Padma

Sunday, August 15, 2021

When Dew Weeps

'The moon was sleeveless.
It drops a hint.
You cannot blame the tree.'
we blame roots
we blame nature
we blame choices
till, we realise for our maths to work
there must first
be a value to existence, for us to lament
otherwise, we're just wasting time
multiplying null by sans
whilst dreaming, of moonwalking our regrets..
(as insightful, as ever
thank you, Guru)-L. B. Mek

You discribed death as beautiful Satish?. Strange. But still enjoyed reading your poem.- Alan Brown, UK

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Serene

The images of nature are well painted by your hands in words. Thank you for sharing your wonderous poem.-Carlos L Estrada

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Last Battle

The pain of someone's heart due to the absence of a loved one is beautifully depicted, Satish jee.-Padma

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Golden Birds Are Falling

'The silver barge cannot stand
in the cyclone-unheard..Collect the
handsome corpses of them who wanted to live.'
wonderfully impactive, finale
such a sobering read
thank you, Guru-L. B. Mek

Were You A Maneater?

Enjoyed your poem Satish. Thank you. Alan Brown, UK


This reminds me of someone who has lost a loved one and they still have conversations with that person; where they once sat.-Poetic Beauty

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Return Of Light

Words can do harm and they can do good. The description in this poem are done very creatively.-Poetic Beauty

Walk A While

Your eyes play with flying
sparks from the fireworks of the lips.
This is the best line of all which gives a deep meaning, Satish jee. A good poem, indeed!-Padma

Saturday, August 7, 2021

How to say salaam?

from Muse, by Anna Akhmatova
What just means liberty, or youth, or approbation,
When compared with the gentle piper's tread?

And she came in, threw out the mantle's edges,
Declined to me with a sincere heed.
I say to her, "Did you dictate the Pages
Of Hell to Dante?"
(and so, I too ask you: Guru
Do you dictate, your Visionary pages
akin to Grecian Oracle: truth's...?)-L. B. Mek

Very well written enjoyed it very much. Thank you. Alan Brown, UK

No Prophet Speaks

Incredible! I valued your expression and way of revealing truth. A tender unique way to say much more with less. To notice the disharmony while maintaining heart wholeness. Not with anger. You powerfully send a clear message with your words. Also instilling even more power from your uncorrupted standpoint within your being.-Danielle

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Lifting The Dead

Too cruel to be born again.
Life challenges the rising pain.
These lines tell me how painful and challenging life is! An insightful poem, Satish jee.-Padma

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

A Bone Quits

you're digging the Ruins
of cloud-bricked Empire, now
the mere sands of our shoreline, afterthought's
you're searching for ideological Deity's
imbued, with Morality's wafer-thin bedrocks
now belittled, to a mere fragment
of our despairingly cyclical: dreamless reality..
'antiquities: to be, or not - to be...'
in-to modernity's:
to believe, or
nihilistically: yearn-for - endlessly...!'
(profoundly insightful
as-ever: Guru
thank you)-L. B. Mek

The Voyager

Think True
You are a Masterpiece Incarnate!-Pungus

Email from Padmavathi, Museindia.com

I'm delighted to congratulate you and announce that you're the winner in Editor's Pick - July 2021. I always feel happy and curious to read your evocative writings. I wish you all the very best in your endeavours that would make you successful.
Best Wishes and Regards
Padmavathi, Editor, Your Space, Muse India.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Living In A Cave

A good poem that depicts the truth, bitter feelings, and the ultimate meaning of life, Satish jee.-


Hi Satish, I found this very interesting and have read it a few times to feel your poem. Good work.-carol wiseman

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Tormenting Dreams

'The collected suicide
of the nightingales have given the worry.'
'my poems are
working crossing the pains.'
'The tulips have started
talking. Why the blood spots are appearing?'
'Humankind is becoming
(sheer Brilliance, as ever: Guru
please forgive my rude rearranging
of your masterly lines)-L. B. Mek