Thursday, October 28, 2021

Messages from

 Glad to hear it. Much in the news. Be well. ~S~-allets

Mother Winter
Daughter Spring

Mother Winter has white hair.
She moves slowly.
Makes everyone hush and sleep.
In soft blankets of flakes.
Can blow cold windy truths.
But also gently send nourishing snow.
Without her, Daughter Spring cannot grow.

Daughter Spring
Gently blossoms
Seemingly dull seeds
Peek open the cheery beauty
She laughs as the brook
Bursts radiant smiles as the daffodils
Slipping through Mother Winter's hugs
She is eternal maidenhood.-AngryLaughter

"Peek open the cheery beauty" Last spring Jason put out a call for a return to beauty in poetry. This does that. thanks for the share/response.-allets

Drop by drop, icicles melt, as winter slowly turns to spring.-saiom

Sacrificially, wielding his body scepter,
the icicle, winter king,
slowly drip drips away
ordaining winter turn to spring.-saiom

What was that? I heard
the familiar tat tat tap tat.
It woke me as I nestled
warm as snug in a comforter
against the chill.
There it is again. Pat pit pit
as hot slippered feet push
away the habitual night
hibernation , warm
knuckled hands wanders
absently to each eye's corner
and shovels out dreams.
Again! The head tilts
to listen and confirm. Chit
chip chit chit. I shiver off
the less crisp coolness
of the winter room
and, old memories
fill midnight void.
The first thought thaws
and I smile leaning a dry
nose against the sweated
window to watch the last
walking across
the front porch.-allets

Beautiful Lady A!-Beavis

Yes it is a beautiful poem... and the last line is delightful-saiom 

Ya wecum - where's everybody? - like me - vanishing into reality.-allets

Emerging from reality to say: all the above poems are amazing! Such a talented bunch here.
Snowflakes walking across the porch. I'm so in love with that.-patriciajj

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Would You Kneel?

A beautiful verse, that depicts emptiness and human emotions, Satish jee. Lovely.-Padma , Hyderabad

This beautiful poem reminded me of Emperor Ashoka's story and his pain.
Conscience creates a meme
Very iconographic line.-N K Jyothi, Mumbai

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Bridge Collapses

milk of our Truth's
as sinew threads, bridging
our nightmares and realities
these: curdled Fear's
we Knowingly, surrender to...
(thanks for sharing, Guru!
and inspiring,
my little scribbled reply)-L. B. Mek

Amaryllis Blooms

the last stanza .. seems an ode
to all parents, all lovers.-saiom

Monday, October 25, 2021

Analysing Myself

sweet and sad-saiom

Turn off The Lights

How beautifully you said that pain makes you rich, Satish jee. A lot of emotions make us live, struggle and face the challenges in life. A lovely poem, indeed!-Padma , Hyderabad

Sunday, October 24, 2021


I love this poem! The last line in particular is spectacular... ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒœ๐ŸŒน-mdelleviolette


How would you be like a big
charming red rose? Even if broken from
the stem the beautiful smell will never go.
A lovely verse, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Friday, October 22, 2021

Why Some Roses Are Black

maybe to survive, like Cleopatra?
A lady of power, at a Time
of sword gyrating: masculine oppression,
yeah, maybe it was just to survive...-L. B. Mek

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Poetry Vs Poverty

I like your straightforward questioning with boldness, Satish jee. Emotions well expressed.-Padma, Hyderabad

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

From Thoughts To Thoughts

I read and learn: Guru
(the First Poet, was the first born
with the gift of sentient thought;
the First, Poem: is yet to be written)
'in my humble opinion'
('Do not avail
the sedition in this poor land.
Wheat color of the temples
want to follow
the burning sun, to take away
our differences.
The legacy of the moon
does not want
to flood the meanings.
A breathless call
was from white sky,
who was the first poet
of this wobbly world?')
who indeed...
I doubt we'll find out,
even after we've crossed
that six feet, divide-L. B. Mek

You Were Within Me

imbued with the love, of those plagued
by the fate
of the title 'meek' - destined to inherit,
the 'Literal' devastation
we'll still, stubbornly title
our dystopian remnant of Earth
with unshakeable, Pride!
(such a profound write,
thanks for choosing to share!)-L. B. Mek

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Waning Moon

a beautiful poem your specificity creates the theatre of action for us...thank you-saiom

My Candle Burns All Night

I lack the context, but your language is strong and your symbolism is precise.
You are very good at this - and in a way that this website doesn't help - but from what I can infer, the stories you tell in poems I'd wish I I could read in prose.
Thanks for sharing, it's a pleasure to read and well done,-Ookpik

Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Bird Song

The city sinks in creek.
Invaders had snatched the pen
from the empty hands, of lost truth.
LOVE this part, this is so good, really enjoyed this write.-Katzie

Smoking Guns

hive is swaying in storm.' this triggers 100 thoughts thank you.-saiom

A Game Within A Game

Words tend to die in the large
grind. Only dried tears were left on the
rocks. A name was erased slowly.
Memories and men are forgettable. Even identity will be erased as time passes by. Well said.-Padma, Hyderabad

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

I Select Limited

digging to learn form other's mistakes
to insure we no longer repeat them, unknowingly
insightful words as-ever, thanks for sharing.-L. B. Mek

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Not My Philosophy

'How not to die
after becoming wiser than god.'
and this is why I cling to humility!
so such notions will never present themselves to me...
that 'God complex': of Entitlement
where All, is True
if you Will it - so: Tyrannically
as part
of your Warped sense of reality...-L. B. Mek

Holy Vision

The wounds of love make me search to trap
the honeybees like the stolen gem.
A heart-touching one, Satish jee. Emotions well expressed.-Padma, Hyderabad

Monday, October 11, 2021

Sunday, October 10, 2021


Your words were dipped in honey.
This was genuinely a good way to put it figuratively. I like your wording.-FLboy555

Dying is Easy

A verse with a deep meaning, Satish jee....-Padma, Hyderabad

Thursday, October 7, 2021

When Agni Licks

Trying to turn negative thoughts into positive ones and move on is the duty of every human being. You have explained it beautifully, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Who was Unseen?

Excellent message and very goooooood poem.-talestocryover 

swaying in the breeze.-maenad

Friday, October 1, 2021

Ash In Eyes

'Do you
think a triangle of love can be made?'
sometimes, and Yet
mostly I look up
at the round Moon
and the round Sun
and the round Planets above us,
maybe, All - is Cyclical by design;
this Earth that moves beneath our very feet, hurtling
yet gripped in-place
a looping status of miraged Space
freedom - on a gravitational leash...
but then
isn't the inevitability within hierarchal pyramids,
that, which subjugates humanity into a cycle of self sabotage,
Every generation;
from ideology to logic, faith to science,
Love to Nihilism..
there's a seemingly endless need in our conceptualisation of the Universe
to insure, just like Our finite experience of existence
every Idea we contemplate, must first
be imbued with that Fallible capacity to self destruct, to End
to acquire a necessary, Death
because, that's all we know
and Everything: we Fear...!-L. B. Mek

Dark Skinned Love

I want to see how much the moon bleeds.
Small words scream. Winter will not go.
Very touching lines and verse, Satish jee..-Padma, Hyderabad