Saturday, November 27, 2021

I Will Cry Silently

Luck matters for everyone. A good poem, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Your Thoughts Live Around Me

Periodically, you stretch and find the exact combination of sounds and subjects. The last two cracker (fractured) Haiku ran over me and left me in the tall grass. Deah as female. You rock!-allets

Who did not Die?

A good poem and emotions well expressed, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

All The Dreams

Grapevines don't grow in the dark. They need sunlight.-Sharkylang

Poetry, depicting
the grapevine of outed: Trust
betrayal's whispers, in the dark
aiming for the moonlight
of ambition's thread marks;
our lacking capacity, to comprehend and empathise
with all the abundant suffering, that surrounds...
this be inking of poetic tears
a cry of despair
for the trajectory of humanity
in our perpetuated abyss of stagnated
'black stones
globalised Angst
of Nothingness'
(a great write
thanks for sharing
Guru!)-L. B. Mek

Monday, November 22, 2021

My Story

some poetry, just surpasses
whatever praise we could - ever, come up with
and so, all we can do
is read and accept: gratefully
with the utmost sincerity..
thank you, Guru!
'This, was exotic.
A single
drop, throbs
in space.
I walk on blades.

I think farther
The relics of disasters.
You, love
to read palms, Talking
of slaughter

moon, bled to death
when, you left in dark.'-L. B. Mek

Your Journey

'Upgrading clock
was not a wise decision.
Who will read the past?'
(fast forwarding your timing, a foolish mistake,
qualifying your future's timing, a silly decision...
trying to progress, without first
knowing yourself
a formula for failure,
aspiring for what you can become
without acknowledging, where
you came from
a choice, you're bound to regret...)
and all these, just trying to unfurl your first stanza...
A great write! Guru.-L. B. Mek

In Cross-Hairs

Crimson fog

Sunday, November 21, 2021

You Are Being Watched

• Inheriting a non religion, carrying stones on wings―you wanted to fly.

Obviously, you're not talking to me, since none of that applies to me, my reaction was, "Why send this to me? So who is it meant for? Let's begin with, what's a non religion? Obviously, not a religion, but doesn't that mean every field but religion?

Sure, you have intent for how it's to be taken, but does intent make it to the page? No. Does the reader have the smallest shred of context? Again no. So by the end of the first stanza the reader is confused, and a confused reader closes the cover, because there is no second first-impression.

• In the hot and humid land, a cult grows in one's own squeezed moon, playing with words.

The problem with talking to the reader is that every word makes you. But... "The" hot and humid land? There's only one? Naa. "A cult grows." So that only happens in a hot and humid land? Naaa.

Sure, it makes sense to you, because for you every word points to ideas, images, and events, all stored and waiting in your mind. But for the reader, every word points to ideas, images, and events, all stored and waiting in *YOUR* mind. And if only you were there to ask when it's read. But you're not.

Write from your chair, of course. But always, edit from that of the reader who needs context as they read, and who will turn away if it's not there.

In school we're not taught the skills or techniques of writing poetry, so some time spent reading some texts on those techniques would be time wisely invested.- JayG


What a great poem.
Sometimes we really should stop and just marvel at our world in splendor.-Paul Bell

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Bowls Are Empty

Barefoot I walk on the
hot ashes, after the collective suicide
of the utopia, without a war
These are impressive lines, Satish jee. The way you gave importance to light in the poem is admirable.-Padma, Hyderabad

Friday, November 19, 2021

Beat The Clouds

'It was waiting to
fall, the colossus under the
rains of silent eyes.'

'You cannot kill the
hunger, eating dry leaves
of beautiful scape.'

(but we can use
the embittered salt
in the rain, streams
of our eyes

to soften, the dry leaves
of ill-fate - at least enough
to imbue them
with malleability, enough
to render them, comprehensible...)-L. B. Mek

Not Pure As Roses

A brilliant intense selection of language that coveys deep feelings. A good 5*-David Wood

Thursday, November 18, 2021

My Knowledge Was Raw

Call it quits? Irretrievable?
Truth comes back when we are on fire.
Over your thoughts, the tears float.
A genuine way of questioning and quest for truth is well depicted, Satish jee..-Padmavathi, Hyderabad

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Not Negotiating

I love where this poem is leading us..thanks for sharing your work..-Dale Costello, Australia

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Death In Peace

I was just remembering today that Sai Baba
said 'God looks on sin as a mother on her baby's
first halting attempts to walk'. When God is
waching it is done with total love. I had the honor
of being at his ashram for 2 months-saiom

Time Takes Its Revenge

There was no endgame.
Who had nailed the lake? I live in
the moment. Have you seen the death laughing?
A lovely composition that depicts the value of the present moment and life. Nicely written, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Who Had Spoiled The Show?

If I could nominate this poem I would, it deserves to be read. the physical structure itself is perfectly poised and the reader has no choice but to dwell ever so briefly before the next stanza, this, coupled with your punctuation (and obviously the actual content itself) creates an unbelievably powerful poem.-Lost star

Friday, November 12, 2021

Let Me Say

Why did you kill the
trees? They cry. The invisible blood
drips at night. Don't do it with clouds.
These lines tell me about the hurting heart and pain of the person, in fact. Nice read, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Adored Angel

That first stanza is absolutely perfect poetry.
Enjoy effulgent days and exquisite nights.-Starward

All Prophets Fall Down

Hi Satish, I love the content of this write, Yes, all prophets fall down. We are all, only human and we so easily make mistakes. We can but hope that they can be forgiven. A deep write, my friend.-shadrach hah

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Epicenter Trembles

Where will you keep
the cadavers known and unknown?
The cargo of words has to be unloaded.
Thoughts beautifully expressed, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Green And Red

Beautiful.... beautiful poem dear poet. Top score-r Dillip K Swain

The Pain Outlives

the imagery and deep meaning in that last stanza, is just beautiful
thanks for sharing, Guru-L. B. Mek

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Who Was Disappearing?

I don't know
in your choice imagery, that analogy of a black hole
could be easily swapped for that forever sleep
we know awaits us, eventually
and some, seek mercy in sleep
they seldom, align that same sleep
with its consequence of disappearance
and its compressively sans, promise
of non existence...-L. B. Mek

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Question Of Existence

You cannot take your Life, without
the witness of water.'
(even that waterfall, cascading
from your pleading - blinking
its all, witnessed
it all counts
and its Never too Late!
search for that ounce of sincerity
you still have
to cling to,
and wage a path for your Truth
to be that,
which accompanies you
to the other side.
Burn, and shed
all your regret's and repentance
this side,
of that six feet divide
Never assume, its ever: too late!)
thank for sharing: Guru!
(I'm sorry,
if I've once again, hijacked
the meaning of your words)-L. B. Mek

Monday, November 1, 2021

I Was Moonstruck

It's great, use few more pages... To make it good.... And Also pics too... Though i loved what you write without them.-mr_invisible