Thursday, October 5, 2017

Time Will Take Revenge

It is a strange mix of hope and hopelessness. The poem throughout submits to violence and accepts it as a phenomenon, but the title of the poem, which is obviously at the helm of the text gives us a boomeranging hope.

Undeniably striking are these lines:
It was always extreme.
The temper, the love,
the hate.
You could offer yourself
for idiopathic study.

This 'extreme' outburst of emotions is a global headache. It seems people of this planet are suffering from 'imbalance syndrome', we are santolanbhrast; what Chinua Achebe calls as 'balance of stories' needs to be learned and inculcated. This minute we love something so dearly that anyone who doesn't love that something is hated and outcast, cleared from the face of the earth, and so on. How does one understand Myanmar, a Buddhist country to so bittelry hate the rohingyas; this hatred has become ubiquitous now in any part of the world. This group in this region, no other groups, if there is any other group, clear them, the word for killing is clear, a very nice euphemism indeed; Facebook reflects this nature very well, in like-unlike-friend-unfriend clusters, but the 'real' cause for this insanity is not quite unknown. One reason could be the jungle life that still exists in our minds because in forests, the origin of our birth, you do see animals living like that, I think we have confused their killing with ours, theirs is for eating, ours is for winning and for something we do not really know.

Would have liked to know from you if you love reading Beckett.-Supratik Sen, Kolkata

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