Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Beside The Truth

A perceptive poem, sir Satish......-Bernard F. Asuncion

Because You Count


Back And Forth

Life indeed is a miracle that goes back and forth in actions and memories. A profound read. TFS.-Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Beautifully expressed Satish ji! -Giti Tyagi, Patiala

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sunglasses Break

Interesting lines on destiny. TFS.-Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


A fantastic write and well penned. I really like this one...-mikemezz


Insightful lines. TFS. -Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Not To Annihilate

heart touching expression..................-Sankhajit Bhattacharjee

Against The Tide

When the tears would wait
to bloom like hidden flowers―
under the steady rocks.

Not me, not you, were
aware of the rising moon,
between snow and sleet.-Diamond

Monday, October 21, 2019


In zero-reflux, I was
intimately involved―
with your pride.-Diamond

A Suspended Rock

Very good write. I really liked this one very much. Your poems are always wonderfully written and a pleasure to read..Peace...-mikemezz

The Moral Suicide

This touched me, personally. I cannot put a finger on it, but maybe because now i feel i am not alone after reading this.
Beautifully constructed. Thank you-Personal

Virgin Defeat

" The distance increases
when you give a call
in valley of loud echos"
Profound conceptualization linked with spiritualism as also intimate memories and their thoughts.Thanks for sharing.10 points.-Ratnakar Mandlik

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Strange Revelations

A perceptive write.......10++++-Bernard F. Asuncion

There is no doubt your poem has unusual masks. Straight out of unusual thoughts.-Robert M Smith

An intriguing display of turmoil of thoughts brought out by the memories of the departed dear one. Thanks for sharing an intimate life song.-Ratnakar Mandlik

One Of Many Thoughts

GOOD - QUESTION* = ? . . . . . . . . . .-OUTBACK

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Opens Like Heart

Such a lovely verse Satish ji!
Simply beautiful! -Giti Tyagi, Patiala

Friday, October 18, 2019

Art In Dying

Sun gets ready to set and rise again. This is wonderful natural action. You have brilliantly penned this poem-Kumarmani Mahakul

Marvelous expression...................-Sankhajit Bhattacharjee

For No Obvious Reason

A good write.-libra

Fantastic write and perfectly written...-mikemezz

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Death is true to every one. No one can change the scene of death at all. This poem is very brilliantly penned.-Kumarmani Mahakul


Such a beautiful verse Satish ji! Depth in meaning and lovely expression!-Giti Tyagi, Patiala

Cleaved Love

Beautiful verse Satish ji! The Depth in meaning and wonderful expression!-Giti Tyagi, Patiala

Love of a darker color and texture portrayed well. TFS.-Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Monday, October 14, 2019

Another Assault

The nature of things. Thanks as always for feeding my thoughts.-James Michael

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Clear As Water

A very nice poetic expression....-Bernard F. Asuncion

Different Versions

Sat... So much to digest here, but I find myself reminiscing of the “Cold War” days; chimps in space flight...ballistic missiles capped with 40 megaton warheads...the pawns used by the super powers of the world....then, maybe, a quieter way out instead of fire...I like...-ishmael

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fantasies And Myths

Invisible yet visible...energies destroyed and shortened by incorrect choices ..dying to self and flesh is needed for healing ...choices ...makes one think.-Thoughts In Time

Message from Allets

Life in a bubble with bombardment afield from select global sellers of everything in the future. Work on line, everything is service or movement of goods. Sound Orwellian 1994ish. Poverty abolished, everyone works. The new Nirvana - the air outside unbreathable, children by lottery depending on water availability - SCI-FY writer's vision.
Stay in touch SIT ~S~

JOKE TEE SHIRTS in a magazine: You know nothing about a woman until she is drunk and mad at you./ Another bottle of wine and no genie at the bottom. (I'll keep looking) / Be the kind of woman that when her feet hit the floor each morning the Devil says, "Oh crap, She up! / I wish I could drop my body off at the gym and pick it up when it's ready./ I haven't lost my mind...half of it just wandered off, and the other half went looking for it./ No offense, but I was raised to "take care" of my hudband
. Wash his clothes
. Clean the house
. Wear gloves
. Get rid of the body
. Act very sad at the funeral.-allets

Ha! very nice Stella-schmuckjones

Getting Solace

Life is wonderful and rocks are too. Your poem has brilliance within and this brilliantly motivates mind of a reader.-Kumarmani Mahakul

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Not Like Anybody

Sat...The first word that comes to mind is “WOW!”. So, the obvious query is, exactly who are you referring to in this marvelous write? My guess is “yourself”. If I am wrong, fill me in, but I don’t believe I am off the mark. The “mirror” seems to offer the obvious clue. You spew words with metaphorical genius. Nevertheless, as Inspector Clouseau would say, “the mystery is ‘sol-ved’”. A wonderful piece of poetry. -ishmael

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Monday, October 7, 2019

What Are Future Games?

Sat...well...another world-class metaphoric collection of words this time tackling the sickness of war and killing. So well done. And where is the “God”/god?? Let alone the where and why. Disturbing. Really, really fine poetry. -ishmael

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Another Harbinger

Very nice. Please read my poem " Skinny-Dipping" . Thanks!-Belle Wassermeister

I was afraid of losing the truth.... marvelous-Sankhajit Bhattacharjee

The beautiful mind shakes the night and we still hope for the next light. An amazing poem is beautifully penned.Kumarmani Mahakul

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Nightmare

Look, the interesting thread in your write, an obvious nightmare (are you on something??...just kidding) is, as I have suffered through some weird ones myself, that each stanza wrings out the various unfolding scenes as they roll on in your R.E.M time. That’s why this piece succeeds. Another fine, albeit disturbing, work. Nice.-ishmael

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

I Ask Nothing

This is magnificent, sir Satish...-Bernard F. Asuncion

There was no miracle
to retrieve the third eye
from the hidden love.............brilliant.-Sankhajit Bhattacharjee

Pangs Of Truth

How long have you been doing this? This is not rhymey dopey stuff. .... this as well as others of yours ought to be collected and published. Deep and disturbing write. It takes a lot to move me to this serious of a comment..-ishmael

We The Possessed

Myriad faiths, myraid beliefs...obsessed in one or the other form. A relevant poem. TFS. -Annapurna Sharma, Nellore

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

No One Survives

A perceptive write, sir Satish...-Bernard F. Asuncion

An intriguing poem with it's last stanza, "
Reason has failed
The blach hole of human
mind sucks all the truths.
Thanks for sharing.-Ratnakar Mandlik