Sunday, February 27, 2022

When Nation Bleeds

'Why does the black
death wear white gown?' wonderful wonderful
India... only nation in the world to have 532 million vegetarians
and a growing number of vegans
may the rest of the world follow that example
Congratulations as you are poised ready to reach 5000!-saiom

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Hide My Footprints

" Life is criminal./ Death opens the door." Dangerously true! 5*****-Unnikrishnan E S

Wearing A Talisman

You will weep without tears.......liked this poetic expression dear poet.5 stars.-Dr Dillip K Swain

Sailing Too Far

standby witness, to the absurdity
and two faced irrationality
of self serving, ideologies
is the fate
of those who choose to see
life in all its glory, that
morning sunshine, bright and all encompassing
bringing to light, the death
the Sea threw-out
upon our shores, in the cover of night...
witnessing and knowing
this too, is Nature
this too, is living
this too, is what awaits: the living
(a great write, Guru
love the sheer fury you imbued
for the injustice, your Poetry
highlights and depicts)
thanks for sharing.-L. B. Mek

Thursday, February 24, 2022


Wow! this was such a moving and vulnerable piece.
"I wanted to freeze
the lovebirds on your
lips― to sing when the
rains come."
This was amazing.-ADay

This Is Gold

Roasted with stars in a dome. It was a moonlight. This was my natural rise.-Dr Dillip K Swain

The Imperfect Poem

Very nice enjoyed it.-MMadrid

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


'At peace in temple of
flagellation. I am catching
blue butterflies.'
Pure, distilled Genius!!!
thank you: Guru
(how unattainably rare
those blue butterflies...)-L. B. Mek


We were at the edge of space
in sequenced embers. God has come
between us in the azure.
Deep thoughts presented well, Satish jee! Self-experience makes us express many thoughts!-Padma, Hyderabad

Saturday, February 19, 2022

On My Self

when our external, becomes intimidating
we oft
turn towards our most intimate, internal
to curate our monologs and lean, on our hidden treasures..
(a contemplative theme and an intriguing read,
thanks for sharing, Guru)-L. B. Mek

After Rumi

'You and I unselfed, will be together,
indifferent to idle speculation, you and I.
The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar
as we laugh together, you and I.
In one form upon this earth,
and in another form in a timeless sweet land.'
from 'A moment of Happiness'
( )-L. B. Mek

Thursday, February 17, 2022


the leaves that become the vine and this is how your poetry finds me.-Dale Costello, Australia

A Legend Breeds

My poem was a tree. A pilgrim sits for a while in shade....great expression!-Dr Dillip K Swain

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Stony Heart

"I don't need
second coming. I want
you once for all."
This stanza that might seem clumsy in the eyes of mediocre is so powerful, expressing the ultimate contentment in the unfit world which constantly is looking for ultimate change, ultimate redeemer.
Though still one could argue that the "YOU' would be impossible before second coming. ( just saying)
Your poetry is brimful of these fantastic imagery and comparisons.

But some part are for me unsatisfactory like: " proceeding towards the lake of tears." Why lake, why not ocean? what is significant about the lake here, lesser body of water? And proceeding here doesn't express a poetical anticipation that much for me.
And again:
"It was a gratuity? "
"Was it" you mean?
Though I know you are too meticulous to make these errors. So still the reason of misplace question-marks in your works deludes me.-BOB GALLO


'in the country of the blind
the one eyed person, reigns'..
(why do you think
those in power
encourage us, to swipe away
at each others eyes...)-L. B. Mek

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


'what else is imagination
to be used for
but those fantastical myth's
gifting us
an ounce of sweet, make-believe
abducting us
from reality's all-consuming, drear..'
(thanks for sharing, Guru
intriguing wording
'of human- nest
of tender embrace'
a lovely internal rhyme)-L. B. Mek

You Were Within Me

Tears have started drying
up on cheeks. Someone wants to steal
you from me. History of pain drops.
Lines with deep meaning, and an emotional touch, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Two Face

Absolutely brilliant 👌💕-Reema Pahuja

Two Vistas

'white flag's, as salvation
to life's incessant onslaught
of decaying hope
and splintered horizons
for us
to clamber towards'..
(this hit home, at least for me
your exquisite wording, sparkles
even on a write, so bleak
in theme..
thank you! Guru)-L. B. Mek

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Sparrows were eating
the sun. I will not see my own death.
Can we resuscitate the moon?
A poem that is thought-provoking with depth in sense, Satish jee.-Padma

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Two Face

I will leave behind every thing.....this is the reality, the only truth dear poet, an excellent poem!-Dr Dillip K Swain

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Black Stones

Artemesia .. a new word for me..
members of the daisy family
.. is Artemesia from Diana Artemis-saiom


'to retrieve footprints'
what a wonderful poem of longing
thank you! Guru-L. B. Mek

Not My Philosophy

Deepened thoughts expressed well with an emotional touch, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Walked For A Long Time

The bear and the barn were friends....very nice.-Dr Dillip K Swain

It is fine to ripen in the beauty of water in the Moon! Nice one!-Ramesh T A

Creeping Dresses

Your copper hands don't
help me to sleep. It is an eerie love land.
Here the holy people tear earth's womb.
What an expression, Satish jee. How beautifully you told how a human being became so tough like a rock. A lovely verse, indeed.-Padma, Hyderabad

Friday, February 4, 2022

Stings Go Deep

'How green
was my love, O Almighty
to walk on the tightrope
to prove my integrity.'
(these Profound words
the jagged relationship and dialogue
so many of our generation, have
with the very notion
of a deity: dependant
faith based system, of belief
in a greater power, acting
in existence..
how well
you've captured those once
innocently childlike
ideological certainties, perspective's
the questions that denoted a gradual dismay
to inquisitively enlighten and distance, us
from them...)
the very proof we need
that the world has lost its capacity
to find tangible reason
for how things are, can be found
in the reality, where
wisdom like yours, is allowed
to to flow, freely
like Nature's waterfalls
all people, can glean
an Instagram worthy, photo opportunity...
(in modernity's all-things, aesthetic
hollowed-out, marrowless society)-L. B. Mek

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Alpha Beta Gamma

Thought-provoking poem, Satish jee.-Padma, Hyderabad

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dark Was Good

Your poetry -- I really connect to it; I relate to the style. I only wish I could write as well orchestrated as you do. There is a plot, a story in the lines. Poetry, can be the chasm between pure story and pure expression -- you do both extremely well. My poems are more expression based -- I wish I could tell a story, but the best I can do is a comic strip (metaphorically).
Anyhow, in this particular poem, I am in love with your reference to 'Swan Songs'. I've also noted some shared symbols amongst your poems...-Huh

Amnesia Lives

You like me, I know O god
It was an anti-love drama. We are in
a relationship to kill each other.
You hit the nail on the head, Satish jee. How truthful these lines are! Every man acts this anti-love drama or else he may not live in his own ways. Well said.-Padma, Hyderabad