Friday, April 22, 2022

To Understand Myself

(below in my instantaneous
and overzealous, poetic response
born of your inspirational poem
may be the most important scribble
I shall ever, achieve
in this meek existence, I live
and for that, and
for all the other time's you've inspired me
to surpass my pitiful limitations
I thank you, wholeheartedly)
'I seek, no yield
in measuring jugs
of would-be
conquering lungs
I fear
no bottomless pit, endings
or stark awakenings..
solace, be my midnight
and I will wage war for you
at that dawning of light..
regret, no longer
may you scavenge
from within me, your respite
I yield, willingly
but still
resolute and chaotically
in my pulsing songs
I Choose, to believe
like Keats'
that our wild dreams
be sojourning
on those clouds of change
and within them, threads
a likeness to me
a likeness, far removed from
yet, a likeness
that champions, the very me
I shall endeavour, to be!'
21/4/2022-L. B. Mek

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