I can feel the despair...powerful language.-
A thought provoking write- seema chowdhury
Yes, listening to you sharing your despair. Such a good line: "anguish itself will find the path" , so deeply true.- Mn. Rachel
yes I am listening- leafsailor
Stark, deep and vicious melancholy, Vermaji. An excellent write - I'd been trying to write something on this theme today; but it's just not the right day perhaps.- SnehaSK
A thought provoking write- seema chowdhury
Yes, listening to you sharing your despair. Such a good line: "anguish itself will find the path" , so deeply true.- Mn. Rachel
yes I am listening- leafsailor
Stark, deep and vicious melancholy, Vermaji. An excellent write - I'd been trying to write something on this theme today; but it's just not the right day perhaps.- SnehaSK