@satish_verma, the bowl of truth, the search for perfection. Have you heard of this Greek philosopher who carried a lantern in broad daylight to search? Or perhaps, the bowl alludes to one carried by holy men, not carrying provisions, but relying on the charity of the people to feed them? In the Christian faith, the disciples instructed to spread the Gospel are admonished parallel to this, not even to carry a money purse or a staff. So unsuccessful was Truth’s journey, the bowl is still empty. Deep poem, beauty of it is it opens to various interpretations. -
Editorial Board ( @Editorial_Board ) nice thoughts expressed in this poem…reflects how we all are just lost in the big world and don’t know what we seek nor fear… -
Shamala Chandran Thought provoking one. -
Geetha Paniker ( @Geetha_Paniker ) At last I read something I can relate to
words with depth
abstract emotions
psyche explored
hope hoped for
and then nullified…
bravo bravo bravo. -
Zyborg most enrapt by the quality of these words
the sense of sunken quest they convey
the way they end, yet open up
_wide eye locked onto infinity
« slits of dreams
like lasers, creating new designs. »
this is beautiful, thank you-