Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Unfortunately, so long as there be human breath too there wuill be dread, anathema and unholy acts of maljustice... Your linage at times may be in poetic piece-meal...but they are artistically savoury....You Rock,Satish V. - Frank James Ryan Jr./FjR

Frank,Linda & Leaf. You all have prodded me with a stick.My ashe are still hot.The other day I was reading about the trial & indictment for genocide by Charles Taylor in Liberia & Blood diamonds of Sierra Leone. Stop. Looking at a boxcar of jews being transported to Auschwitz & Treblinka. Gas chambers.Denuded bodies. Piles of hair & shoes.Stop.Guernica.Most powerful political statement 0f Picasso.In India farmers will commit suicides because crops had failed. I watch daily the deprivation, hunger & poverty. The human misery & inequality. I suffer. The common clitche will not deliver the force. Punch comes from incompleteness & something remaining unsaid &topsy;- turvy.- satishverma

Fragments of good lines for us to try to piece together. Frank made me laugh with his candid comment.-  LightH2O

Well,now, have to admit...Between short-legged Pygmies playing PEAK-a-boo with ice-shard, and obseving the graphic removal of human skin that belongs to us....might cause Reader's to react as Leaf & Linda have, below...Now, me ? I love a puzzle as well as the Dark's darkest side and upturning the neve-endings of my faithful Readership...But my friend...this poem is why, I think they created the dreaded cliche "YOU TAKE THE CAKE"!!!!LOL! Abstractively outrageous penning!- Frank James Ryan Jr./FjR

I have to agree with what Leafsailor said. Hu????- Linda Winchell

hay! I haven't a clue , but I understand it completely, you and you alone can do this , my friend, I love this it just goes right to my spirit , no stops along the way, I love this for its wonderful ability to awaken my imagination it is like reading four poems at once with half of the lines missing and understanding them all ,on a spiritual level... peace and love to you and yours-  leafsailor

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